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A doula is usually not a medical professional, however, doulas at BabyProMed team are nurses with working experience in the hospital maternity ward that also possess a medical experience, as well as the knowledge and the skill set. More importantly, they have a desire to provide a positive birth experience to pregnant women through continuous support, thus helping each woman to go through the process of childbirth in the most positive way possible. In addition to pregnant women, a doula also provides emotional and informative support to her partner, as well as her entire family.
The role of a doula during childbirth is to help a woman assume a position that is most appropriate for her at that moment, to ease her contractions, put on cold or warm packs, to massage and hold her. On the other hand, if a woman prefers silence and peace, a doula will just sit by her side and be there for her the whole time. Also, during labour, a doula will represent your views and desires in communication with the medical staff.
A doula is also trained to support expecting mothers, not only in unmedicated delivery, but also in a delivery that includes an epidural and caesarean section.
You are introduced to a doula before giving birth, during the second and third trimester. During these meetings, you will get to know your doula better, talk about your fears, desires and plans, and doula will help you understand work procedures, birth delivery and possible complications, teach you breathing and relaxation techniques, and answer your questions about the birth process.
It is best to call a doula as soon as you estimate that the contractions have started. A doula will answer your questions, and you will let her know when you have decided to go to the hospital. You also agree on when and where you will meet your doula - at home, in a hospital or elsewhere.
A doula usually stays with you for two hours after giving birth, for as long as you are in the mood for company. She will help you with your first breastfeeding and provide information on your childbirth and your baby. If you hire a doula from the BPM team, after the birth you will get 2 patronage nurse visits for free.
Studies have shown that having a doula present during the delivery increases the likelihood of natural childbirth, decreases the likelihood of performing medical interventions such as caesarean section, episiotomy, induction, epidural anaesthesia and the application of vacuum and forceps, it also accelerates childbirth, and increases the number of mothers who successfully breastfeeds their babies. And later after childbirth, parents feel more secure, they have greater self-confidence, and adjust better to the new living conditions, with a lower likelihood of postpartum depression.